Thursday 8 November 2007

Winter has arrived

30 October was yet another theatre visit, this time to the Playhouse to see Casanova who was female in this version! A good production but rather silly in places - she had a baby which was adopted by King George lll. The next day Mel and I met in Liverpool and went to Wetherspoon's for a quick snack before going to see Cats at the Empire. Again very good with lots of singing and dancing by people dressed as cats strangely enough! Shopping and a meal with J in the evening, we went to Morrison's and then to Le Frog. I had salmon after a crab & avocado starter (fish again Mandy) and J had something with black pudding as a starter and then a steak - good food. I then spent 2 days in Harrogate at a conference. Didn't see much of the town but it was a nice break and some interesting people giving presentations. Saturday was the Everyman to see Stockholm after a Greek meal near to the theatre. We really needed Madeline to interpret especially as I didn't have my glasses - I have no idea what we had but it was fine - perhaps a possible when Ben and Madeline next visit. Our waiter called Rocky was studying here but came from Missouri - Ben has no idea that this is in America - not ready for citizenship yet then! The play starred only 2 actors who were on the stage throughout and were extremely good actors -no interval/ice cream again though.
This week we went to see the Changeling - see below. Took a bit of getting into but again an interesting play and well interpreted by all except one actor who I thought was rather wooden!

Beatrice-Joanna wants to marry Alsemero but her father has other plans. Meanwhile, her servant - the hideous de Flores - would do anything to win her. Often hailed as the greatest tragedy in English after Shakespeare, The Changeling was written in 1621. It is at once a classic Jacobean revenge drama fusing explicit sex and violence, with the tragic and grotesque. At the same time, it is an electrifying and immediate domestic drama about the conflicting claims of familial duty and sexual desire. Applauded throughout the country for vivid productions of new and classic plays, English Touring Theatre’s recent work includes Hamlet with Ed Stoppard and Anita Dobson, The Old Country with Timothy West, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Mother Courage with Diana Quick.

We seem to have seen a ridiculous number of plays this season, perhaps we need to be more selective next time!

Last night was a trip to Adsa then the Red Lion at Newburgh. This has changed hands recently and was almost empty but we found the food very good - Cajun chicken for me and lamb shank for J. Obligatory cheese and biscuits for me and rhubarb crumble for J - what oi the world coming to?

I have spent an interesting day in a church hall pretending that Sefton was hit by a flu pandemic. Tomorrow we are off to Wales so hope the weather improves - very windy and chilly. snow in Aberdeen! Hope it is warmer in Wales!!

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