Friday 12 October 2007

Theatre and badgers....

Tuesday was 'I am Shakespeare' at the Playhouse written by Mark Rylance and John Dove. The plot was as follows ...

Webcam daytime chat room show

A dark and stormy night. In his garage in Kent, Frank Charlton – a schoolteacher –prepares for his daily broadcast. Through his subversive internet show, Frank continues to explore the obsession that cost him a promising academic career – daring to question the authorship of the Shakespeare plays. When, that is, he can dodge the ‘helpful’ attentions of his ex pop-star neighbour Barry. Today, however, via the dramatic interaction of a lightning storm and the collective unconscious of the world-wide-web, Frank finds himself confronted with the real William Shakespeare… and the real Francis Bacon… then Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford… and finally the real Mary Sidney… Mayhem ensues as the Police arrive investigating a mysterious body whilst Frank desperately tries to interview each of the four characters from the past to discover who is the real author. Can Frank take advantage of this historic opportunity...without getting arrested or murdering Barry first? Needless to say I have copied this off the website! It ended up like the film of Spartacus, which probably means nothing to my readers, where instead of everyone standing up and shouting ''I'm Spartacus,' 'No, I'm Spartacus' it was 'I'm Shakespeare' etc etc. Quite entertaining and amusing and obviously penned by someone who had done a thesis at sometime on who really wrote Shakespeare's plays.
Wednesday was shopping as usual but home for salad as I had brought fish & chips the night before and J had made a lovely salad so we had that on Wed instead. You will be delighted to know I have bought a Christmas pudding!
Thursday was gym night - they have had lots of new exciting equipment!! Today we went on our first badger hunt!! It was in a wood near Shevington where a factory site (explosives!!!) is being investigated as a possible housing site. I could be first on the list if it ever comes to fruition as lots of the wood will remain with little groups of houses dotted amongst the trees. A survey had been done last year and had identified some badger activity so we were there with 6 others to look at the holes found last time and to assess any activity. We got there early and spoke to the man on duty at the gate who told us that he has seen a badger run over opposite the factory and that there were lots of foxes and rabbits as well as deer. He had a very nice tabby cat (without a name) that he had rescued when found tied to a tree as a kitten. It lived in his hut at night and he fed it - they both looked well fed! We saw 2 other cats during the morning so I think there may be quite a few feral ones around the site. It is very secure so I don't think they get many visitors. J & I were teamed up with Craig and sent to investigate 3 previously identified holes. We managed to find all 3 and took photos and made notes. Unfortunately these were not badger holes and probably just left from the collapsed underground bunkers. We did see the main badger sett but no animals. Not terribly exciting but good to be involved - Ben was so lucky in Durham with his nocturnal friends!!
Tomorrow is the promotion for the Festival of Comedy in Southport so I will be out for part of the day just giving out leaflets and generally telling people about the festival. They also have the opportunity to win tickets for some of the events if they take a lucky programme. Bye for now xx

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